Sunday, December 26, 2010

Romans 6:21

I came upon this verse a few months ago, and have been thinking about it ever since. Paul is writing a letter to the Romans, and in chapter six, is explaining the concept of being dead to sin and alive in Christ. When a person is saved, becomes a Christian, surrenders their life to God, they are set free of whatever sin they were enslaved to and become a slave of a perfect God instead. Becoming a slave to God, however, is enjoyable, wonderful. He knows this, which is why He tells us: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you REST." (Matthew 11:28). He wants to set us free of our bondage! Everyone, even those who seem the most perfect, are in bondage to something. Whether it's relationships, perfectionism, appearance, school, sports, pride, the list goes on and on. For me, it's appearance/body image, and this is NOT a good master! But I do have to be thankful for this. I became SO weary and SO burdened, that I figured out that I had to run to God in order to find rest, in order to be set free, in order to LIVE. God made me into a new creation (2 Cor 5:17), one who is no longer enslaved to my sin.Romans 6:21 says this:

"What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death!"

This is so true. I AM a new creation, and I am no longer living enslaved, but that doesn't mean my struggles don't still tempt me. Oh they sure do! And, unfortunately, that also doesn't mean that I never give in to them. I still find myself sometimes believing LIES and falling into traps. It seems so appealing at the time. I want that temporary comfort, even though I logically know that the comfort is temporary, and ultimately is not comforting at all. The only thing that will bring me true comfort is God, and I have to run to Him instead. But still, I make mistakes seeking the immediate comfort that sin gives me, and later on look back and am ashamed of my actions. "What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death!" I have to constantly remind myself of this. The benefit that seems so appealing in the moment is something that I will be ashamed of and that results in death! 

In a book I've been reading called Who You Are When No One's Looking, Bill Hybels talks about this same concept in his chapter about discipline.  He says that the "essence of discipline is delayed gratification, and the key to practicing discipline is advanced decision making."  When I am tempted to fall into the temporary comfort of sin, it takes discipline to know that the delayed gratification that comes from waiting is worth the wait.  For me, advanced decision making is very important.  If I know the things I struggle with, I know that it is important for me to not fall into them, then I have to make decisions in advance of what I will do when tempted with situations that might cause me to stumble.  

God wants us to flee our evil desires, and to run to Him instead (2 Tim 2:22). My temporary comforts are NOTHING in comparison with eternity with a perfect God. All I can do is thank Him for His perfect love, and strive to live for Him every single day.

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