Friday, January 7, 2011

The Tram Ride

So i've been in Albuquerque the past three days visiting the Stoltzfus family, and it's been so uplifting!  Being in a Christian environment is so refreshing.  Megan, Brennan, and Barbara are all a joy to spend my time with.  Yesterday, we went skiing and then on a tram ride to the top of Sandia Peak.  From the top, you could see all of Albuquerque.  We were priveleged with perfect timing, having it light on the tram ride up so we could see the mountains, the sunset while we were at the top, and darkness with the city lights for the ride down!  How beautiful!  While we were on the tram on the way down, we had just seen the most beautiful sunset over the mountains, and i was amazed at God's creation!  As it got darker, and we could see the city lights, i was noticing the cars and how tiny they looked.  You just barely could see white lights moving one direction and red lights moving the other way.  It made me realize how small the cars are from up there, and how much smaller I am.  We were only in one city, in one state, in one country, in comparison with the world!  And though my life is so tiny in comparison with our big world, God cares about the details of my life, the desires of my heart, and loves me more tenderly than any love I've ever experienced.  It also showed me my self-centeredness, when my life is so small!  So often I get so caught up in thinking that everything revolves around my needs and wants...  I'm so thankful for the fellowship and enjoyment I've had the past few days, and for the salvations of all who are in this house!  Friendships that are centered around Christ are lasting, enduring, and loving... how blessed I am to have a number of these!   :)

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