Friday, March 9, 2012

African Dance Class

So…. This week has been the first week of school, and one of the classes I’m taking is an African Dance class.  Pretty sweet. Last night was our first class, what an adventure.  I had a map where the class was supposed to be, and it looked pretty far away, so I decided to leave about 45 minutes early and run there.  In the book, it said that the building was “Korisistrasse 2.”   So I’m running along the Mur River, and see the name of the street, and am so excited.  I figure it can’t be too hard to find the building.  So I’m running and running, and I’m at like 76 and 78 and then 80, and realize I’m going the wrong direction. So I turn around, and run and run and run until the numbers are finally pretty small.  But then the numbers turn odd instead of even, and I see building 3 and building 1, but not 2!  So I ask some dude on the street, and he doesn’t speak English. So I ask a younger guy, and he tells me it’s around the corner, but that it’s an apartment complex.  So I go into the apartment complex, and go up to the door, but you can’t get in without a key or someone inside letting you in. So I start ringing the bells of every floor, hoping someone will answer. Finally someone does, and I’m like, “Hiiiii.  What is this place?”  and the person over the intercom says the name of the apartment complex in the most confused voice.  And so I ask her, “Oh, ok. Well do they have dance classes here?”
 “Umm, noooo….” 
 “Well is there anywhere near here that might have African dance class?”
“There’s a yoga place about 30 meters away.”
            So off I go to find the yoga place.  Sure enough, I find it, and go inside.  I ask the lady working if they offer dance classes, and she tells me no, just yoga.  She tries to get me to sign up for a hot yoga class that meets at 5:30 am the next morning, but I get out of it and tell her maybe next week.  I ask her if there are any dance studios nearby, and she tells me that about 10 minutes up the street there is a Chinese restaurant, and behind the restaurant is a dance studio where they offer Salsa lessons.  Perfect.  So off I go to try to find the Chinese restaurant.  I’m running and running, and finally find it.  I don’t see the Salsa place though, so I’m wandering around a little bit, and after a few minutes I start to hear music. So I follow the sound of the music until I find the Salsa place. I walk in, and the place is super fancy. The girls are all wearing dresses and heels, and the guys are in tuxes, and there’s ballroom dancing and Salsa dancing.  I feel so out of place, wearing leggings and running shoes and a ski coat.  But I go in anyway, and ask the lady at the front desk if they offer African Dance.  She hardly speaks English, so I’m writing down words on a paper and drawing pictures, trying to explain what I’m trying to ask.  I try to draw a picture of the outline of Africa, and explain African dancing, and then a younger person walks by who speaks English and starts translating for me.  After a long time of trying to explain my question, she finally tells me that no, they only offer Salsa and ballroom dance.  Shoot.  But then, a lady comes over to me, and tells me that she’s taken African dance before, about 7 years ago, and that the class was in the gym of an elementary school near the river.  She says that if I wait a few minutes, she’ll walk me there and show me the way!  Such an answered prayer.  It’s now about 8:25, and I’d left at 7:15 for the 8:00 class.  But anyway, it’s about another 10 minutes away, but she shows me where it is!  From outside, I can hear the live percussion, and I’m so excited!  So I thank her about a million times, “Danke shun!!” And then I walk in and follow the sound of the drums to find the gym.  Finally I open a door, and can see the class!  So I start to go in, but then some guys start yelling at me in German. “I’m sorry, I don’t speak German.”  I’m so confused, and then I see a guy in his boxers walk by.  Oh shoot, I’m in the men’s locker room.  But I can see the class, and I had been through so much to get there, so I tell them, “I’m really sorry, but I’m just trying to get into that gym right there…” and I just walk through really fast.  Finally, I MADE IT!!!!  I take off my shoes, and join the class. 

It was awesome.  The class is taught in German though, so I had no idea what the teacher was saying, but I just follow everyone else, and copy what she does.  There are a bunch of drums with people playing and the music was so good!  It was so fun!  I met a girl, Ada, who is from Vienna and is so nice, and she helped translate things for me. 

On the way home, got lost again.  Took me about an hour and fifteen minutes to get home, but finally did.  What a class.  Next Thursday, I need to borrow a bike, and hopefully remember where that old raggedy gym is!  Can’t wait!  

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