Sunday, May 6, 2012

Styria, Austria

May 5, 2012

Today I went with a group of 15 international students to this amazing waterfall in Styria. I rode in Matthus’s car, with people from all different countries. He is from Slovakia, then we had Tugba from Turkey, a guy from India, a girl from Latvia, and me repping the US. From the other cars, we had a few from Austria, two girls from France, a guy from Czech Republic, and a few more that I’m not sure where they are from.  But point of the story is…. oh helloooo diversity!  So neat. All day long I asked people about their home countries, and what it’s like there. I seriously love learning about all the different cultures!

It was so nice to ride in a car! You don’t realize how much of a luxury it is until you don’t have one anymore. (Oh how I miss Black Beauty). But just having the windows rolled down, and some music playing, knowing that you’re going directly to your destination- you don’t have to worry about missing your stop, not having to worry about anything getting stolen, not having to worry about tickets, or times of departure… wow that was so nice!  Traveling by car is awesome.

So we got there, met up with the group, and started our hike. No one really knew exactly what we were going to see, how amazing it would be. We hiked up, up, up the mountain, passing small waterfalls and going over bridges. It was so beautiful! Then, we got to a middle ground, where you could pay 3 Euro’s to go to the top. I didn’t know what to expect at all, but on up we went. We climbed onto a wooden “ladder,” headed up the mountain. Turns out that was the first “ladder” out of 190 ladders!  They were small and steep, nailed together with planks of wood and wooden railings. We went over the tops of the waterfalls, across rivers and streams, and meandered our way upward on 190 ladders. It was absolutely incredible!  We stopped to eat about halfway up, and then continued our journey. It was so green, with tall trees and water everywhere.

At the top, we stopped at a little Austrian pub type thing where they sell food and drinks and beer. We ran into some other international students from Spain, which was kind of fun. I talked with the guy from India for a while, and was intrigued by what life is like there. He is Hindu, and was telling me about their beliefs. They have hundreds of different gods, like the God of Knowledge and the God of Money and the God of Creation. Each family worships a particular god based on your ancestry. They believe in “karma” and good things happening to good people. He was telling me that when he finds money on the ground, he picks it up and kisses it, because it represents the God of Money. So not kissing it would be disrespecting the god, and could also cause him to not continue to be blessed with money. It’s so interesting to hear about different beliefs. Apparently, he also played ping pong for his university. Not sure how good you have to be to make the ping pong team, but I’m thinking the kid’s probably a pretty decent pong player. He also said he comes to Hafnerreigel to play with some of the men here who play in the evenings. So yeah, I’m sure you can put two and two together- I CAN’T WAIT TO PLAY HIM IN PING PONG!  It’s going to be great. 

Well, that’s all for now. I’m back at Haffy for a half hour or so before I meet up with Christoph (a guy I met at church) and Stina to go for a bike ride. I’m actually exhausted from hiking all day, and don’t feel like biking at all. But I don’t want to bail on Christoph, so come on little leggies- you can do it!  Just a little two-hour bike ride more and I’ll let you rest all eight hours that I sleep tonight!  J

Sending all my Love,


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