Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Saul and Jonathan: A Father Unlike His Son

Ok, I got this from a study about David, by Beth Moore, and it’s so amazing I just have to share! The study is in 1 Samuel, so here’s the really brief background:  Saul is the reigning king of Israel, who the people chose.  His name literally means “asked for.”  (God’s pretty funny… the people ask for a king, and God’s like, ok you ask for one, I’ll give you ‘Asked For’ …yeah He’s hilarious…)  Saul’s position as king exceeds his passion for God (bad news bears).  He has a son, Jonathan, who is a man of God. 

1 Samuel 14:1-23… the relationship between Jonathan and his armor bearer:
Jonathan’s armor bearer trusts in him completely.  He follows him and is with him “heart and soul” (verse 7).  He follows his instructions obediently.
In 1 Sam 14:6, we learn that NOTHING can hinder the Lord!  He can win a battle whether He has many warriors, or only a few.  There is NO limit to His power!

Ok, let’s look at Jonathan a little bit.  He makes two profound statements in verse 6:
1.     PERHAPS the Lord will act on our behalf.
2.     NOTHING can hinder the Lord from saving
Jonathan knew the Lord could save, no matter who or how many were fighting in the battle.  He knew that if God chose to save, nothing could hinder Him.  His faith in God’s strength and determination was solid: God could do anything.  His only question was whether or not God would choose to do it through them that day.  He knew God could do it, he didn’t know if God would do it.  Whether or not He did, Jonathan understood God’s response to be based on sovereignty, not weakness.  This was attitude even when he faced the possibility of death (fighting the Philistines).

(Oh helloooooo secret crush on Jonathan- don’t tell)

Ok, here’s another piece of scripture that has people with the same attitude.  Read Daniel 3:1-18, and think about how the attitude of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego was similar to Jonathan’s attitude.
Pretty cool stuff, huh?!

Ok, I promise this part is really cool.  Let’s look at Jonathan’s armor bearer.  Hopefully, you noticed the armor bearer’s commitment to Jonathan’s authority, and constant obedience to Jonathan’s commands.  Now let’s compare the armor bearer to a Christian (howl yes!)

Look at Eph 6:10-13.  God commands us to put on the FULL ARMOR OF God, so that we can take our stand against the Devil’s schemes.  We are God’s present armor bearers!  We’re not just to carry armor, we’re to put it on. 

In Eph 6:12, the word “struggle” is used.  It comes from the Greek word ‘pale,’ which means “a wrestling, struggle, or hand-to-hand combat.”  It described the wrestling of athletes and the hand-to-hand combat of soldiers.  Our “struggle” against our enemy is a very personal battle.  ‘Pale’ does not describe a corporate battle.  It describes a struggle that involves only ourselves, the One whose armor we bear, and our enemy. 

Here are some applications that help us in our battle:
                  -the armor bearer listened carefully to Jonathan’s instructions. To be victorious, we must also listen carefully to the instructions of the One whose armor we bear
                  -Jonathan’s armor bearer is described as being with his master “heart and soul” (v. 7)
                                    àHow often would you describe yourself as being with God “heart and soul?”

Sooooo……. The armor bearer followed behind Jonathan.  His master led him into battle.  He did not choose the battle.  Jonathan made sure he went ahead of the armor bearer so that he could take away the blows of the enemy.  When we received Christ as Savior, we enlisted in an army we weren’t acutely aware existed.  We would avoid our spiritual battles if we could, but our Master is always careful to lead the way (just like Jonathan led the armor bearer).  We must always “climb up” after Him.  1 Sam 14:13 says, “The Philistines fell before Jonathan, and his armor bearer followed and killed behind him.”  Our enemy will fall before our God.  We are only deadly to the enemy when we go behind Him.

Well, I hope that you got something out of that.. If not, ohh shooottt!

Trust in Him, and put on the full armor of God today!  

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