Sunday, February 12, 2012

Austria Day 10

Well this weekend was pretty fun!  We've gotten a lot of snow, and it's absolutely beautiful.  I'm not much for winter- definitely more of a summertime kind of girl- but I figure if it's gonna be freezing outside, there might as well be pretty snow!  I've gotten to run the past three days, and I'm three for three on getting super lost every single time.  Everyone else seems to be figuring out their way around town, and I'm not at all.  Surprise, surprise.  Directionally challenged.  Today I ran along the Mur River.  There were tons of little walking trails, over and under bridges, through all different parts of town.  It was quite the exploration!  The river is so pretty!

Friday night was my favorite night that I've had here yet.  There were six of us who made a "family dinner" together.  We all brought different foods, and got to try things from different countries.  So delicious!  We set the table, and made it look all cute, and I took a few pictures that I'll add onto here.  After the movie, we watched a movie together.  It was quite the process trying to set up the movie, but eventually we got a laptop hooked up to a screen, and had speakers near the couches, it was great! We watched Seabiscuit, and that little horse made me feel like I can conquer the world! So good.

Saturday night, we went to an Irish Pub, and then to another Irish Pub afterward!  I met a lot of new people there.  I met Heinricho from Venice, Gus from the Netherlands, Idre from Albania, Curtis from Canada, and then Toni (from Kosovo) and Stina and I all went together.  It was WONDERFUL to have the menus in English!  I miss that so much.  We ended up getting into some pretty deep conversation.  I loved it because nobody was drunk, they were just having a drink or two, and our conversations were so real.  We talked about philosophy, international politics, and what religion is like in each of our home countries.  Gus is a strong Atheist, and me and him were talking for a while about different beliefs.  I had the privilege of sharing my testimony with some of the guys there, and they had never heard anything like it.  They were asking me all sorts of questions about how my life has changed since I've started truly following Jesus Christ.  It was such an answered prayer to have the opportunity to share with them! I loved hearing about their beliefs as well, and what it is like to live in so many different places.

There is a famous celebration in Venice next weekend, called Carneval.  I think it's kind of like Mardi Gras, but celebrated differently.  I think we are going to take a bus for a day trip there on Saturday. It's only about $50 for the bus round trip, and we won't have to pay for a place to stay. My friend Sophie will come with us as well, and she speaks Italian, which is perfect!  I am so excited!

Today, a small group of us watched a church service together online.  Kate (from Russia), Oosma (from Turkey) and Toni (from Kosovo) had never seen anything like it before.  The service was very contemporary, with drums and guitars, and they couldn't believe the music.  The teaching was on "The Comparison Trap," which was very good as well.  It was cool for Stina and I to tell them about what church is like for us at home, and what it's like for them.  They really enjoyed it, and said they might continue meeting with us on Sunday afternoons to watch American church services!  I am praying that more and more will join us in the family room to worship and learn about Our Creator together.

I am starting to miss home a little bit.  Most of the time, I'm pretty busy and am very happy.   But I miss being able to just pick up the phone and call my friends and family.  I'm so thankful to have internet access though!  Yay technology!  Skype still amazes me, that we can see each other's faces, even though there's an ocean between us.  Crazy cool.

Well, time to go study some German- sick of being the stupidest one in my class.  Goal is to catch up to the Chinese girl in our class, Bayou.  We'll see how that one goes, hahaa...

Sending all my love,


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